As many of you know, I absolutely love the band Radiohead. Perhaps even more of you wonder why. To explain my love I could try to show you the pervasive operatic themes the permeate their melodies, or the deep electronic rhythms and organic beats that create the foundation for their music, the catchy guitar riffs, or even the significance of their experimental music that influences other musicians today - but none of that would really matter to many of you, would it. Nope, didn't think so. So I am going to try a different approach.
When introducing your ear to new music, I am a firm believer in building bridges. Mostly because that is how I have come to love certain types of music I once hated.

In this case, I am attempting to build a bridge to the band Radiohead - whom many just simply find "scary" or "weird." I have selected the song "Reckoner" as a starting point off of their near perfect album "In Rainbows" from 2007. Reckoner is a simple and powerful song that has very operatic vocal harmonies and lots of soul. I am posting two versions of this song for your listening enjoyment. The first is a cover by the band Gnarls Barkley - you remember, they did that absolutely amazing song, "Crazy," a few summers back; and secondly, the original version by Radiohead. Both versions of this song are awesome. Gnarles Barkey opens up the music of Radiohead to their audience and in turn introduces Radiohead fans to the alternative soul scene. It is a two way street. Not only has Gnarls Barkley covered songs by Radiohead, but so has the classical pianist and host of "From the Top" on NPR, Christopher O'Riley. There is also his version of "Exit Music for a Film" written by Radiohead after both versions of "Reckoner." It is one of the ways I was first introduced to classical music, along with films I have mentioned in previous posts. I hope you enjoy all of them.

With all of that said. I just want to leave you with one thought about building bridges. In music, as I just illustrated , different types of listeners can be introduced into new types of music. I truly believe that music is not the only medium that this phenomena occurs. It happens with cultures, it happens with ethnicities, or at least has the ability to. So I encourage all of you to not only stretch your musical pallet and explore the many different forms and genres that music takes around the world, but to also to get out there and met someone different than you. Whether it be culturally, economically, or even politically explore someone else point of view and see what makes them tick. In the end you may learn more about yourself than the other person. Celebrate the diversity and the freedom we have to express it, especially here in the good ol' US of A! Don't hate what you don't understand or even what you may disagree with - in the end the hate and demonization of those with whom you disagree accomplishes little. However, what does accomplish something is reaching across aisle because it builds bridges.
Gnarles Barkely - "Reckoner"
Radiohead - "Reckoner"
Christopher O'Riley - "Exit Music for a Film"
Radiohead - "Exit Music for a Film"
i can't believe that duffy got that ticket...
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it either! He just went to Coldplay last night as well.