A blog about music... and its awesomeness

Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Ladies Sing Off: Clinton vs. Bruni

There is little doubt that the First Ladies and Gentlemen of the world play an important role in influencing their significant others in both domestic and international affairs.  However, here we must ask ourselves a much more important and relevant question - "can they sing?"  So I begin to think to myself - "how can we accomplish an event of such monumental and historic proportions?" And then it hits me - A Sing Off!  Brilliant! 

Who do we pick as the contestants of the first ever annual Sing Off (est. 2008), you ask.  Why not former First Lady Clinton and the current first lady of France Carla Bruni I tell you.  "What great choices," you say.  "Thanks," I say. 

Now, I know what you are thinking - "How are you going to make that happen Jared?"  Well, I will tell you how.  After months of writing letters, picketing and eventually physically strapping myself to Bill Clinton for a few days as a form of peaceful protest - I got what I wanted.  Well, at least kinda of what I wanted: a video of Hillary singing the National Anthem of the United States of America off YouTube. 

In vivid contrast to Former President Bill, President Sarkozy was a bit easier to deal with - not sure why.  He told me that he would post a video of Carla singing just last night.  However, I have heard rummers that Sarkozy has been drinking.  Either way it makes no difference to me, easy peasy, done.  Now we have all the material needed to judge this sing off.  Brilliant!

So without further adieu, I give you the first ever Music Matters Sing Off!  Let us begin first with the current First Lady of France Carla Bruni and here video.  After which Hillary Clinton's video challenge will immediately follow.  You can even play them at the same time if you like.  As for the winner -  you be the judge. 

First Lady of  France Carla Bruni - "Quelqu'un m'a dit"

First Lady of the US of A Hillary Clinton - "The National Anthem" 

1 comment:

  1. That's completely unfair. Everything sounds better in French.


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