After the more out there posts from the last few weeks I felt a need to restore the natural order of things. Therefore, this post is going to be about yet another piece of classical music that I adore. This one was written in 1824 by Franz Schubert shortly after hearing of his declining health at the age of 27 would soon lead to his death. The Takacs Quartet preforming Schubert's Death and the Maiden and let me say once again that the Takacs Quartet is absoulty amazing. They are perhaps the greatest string quartet that exist in the world. They are unequalled.
I selected only a section of the second movement, but you can listen to the whole work beginning here. The entire work is amazing. A mix of anger and sadness, hope and despair. It is absolutely stunning. The first chord is like a knife through the heart. You should really listen to the whole piece, but for now let us focus on the second movement.
For me the magic in this piece really begins about 2 minutes and thirty seconds in. The first few minutes could be a funeral procession Schubert seems to be walking himself towards his grave. The music is somber but thin begins to show signs of hope. Maybe the satisfaction of the musical legacy he has left behind. Maybe he envisions himself capturing glimpses of heavens gates in the distance, either way this piece has a haunting melody.
Pieces of music like this, as apposed to some of my posts - especially that last one, makes me ponder deep questions of life and even death. It makes me journey ever deeper into the very heart of my emotions. In this particular case what I find is my desire for hope in the darkest of times (and no I am not talking about politics). Not even my darkest of times. This particular work of music reminds me that I can be hope for a friend, hope for a stranger, and they hope for me. Through the darkest of emotions hands can reach down and find you. They can lift you up and raise you to the highest of highest. They can clean you up and turn you around. They can fight and even die along side of you emotionally.
However, the trick is actually doing so. So today I remind myself as much as another to remember to as authentic and real as I possibility can. To be a true friend to those whom I love. To get down there with them and fight for them. To care and be cared for, so that we might truly live.
Death and the Maiden - 2nd Movement
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