So it's been a while. New job. New city. And now new music.
Here is something that I have been listening to this week - Grizzly Bear's new album - Veckatimest. I say new, but it actually came out way back in May. I am just now really starting to be able to listen to it.
The videos bored on the trippy side of things - but if you know me, I kinda go for that kinda thing.
I have been waiting for the last few weeks for a version of this song to become available on their website or youtube. So finally after a long wait something even better has come along. An embeddable stream of the album that the band has released - complete with a sweet visualizer. I wish every band released this type of thing. The first song I heard off their most recent album, Hospice, was "Kettering" - the the second track on the album (skip ahead to this one if you are impatient and don't understand long ambient intros into albums.) Hospice is a concept album of sorts and handles a rather heavy subject matter with ambient indie rock. It's pretty sweet.
While their stuff may not be for everyone, much like a lot of stuff I put on this blog, I am absolutely in love with this song. This album, Hospice, is by far my favorite of their works. On another closely related subject let me say that I am excited to see what is yet to come this year. 2009 is looking to be a pretty awesome year for music. There has already been a few great albums in my mind - Animal Collective's Merriweather Post Pavilion being one of them. This album is set in my mind to be in, at the very least, my top 10 of 2009.
The singer for The Antlers at times reminds me of Jeff Buckley, which is pretty cool (I should post a few of his songs for any of you who have not heard him). Regardless of who The Antlers remind me of this is very strong album. I dig it. I hope you do too.
Today is a short post. This is a pretty sweat video that features a song by one of my favorite bands - Sigur Ros. It is even better in high-def but you have to go to the Vimeo site to watch it - you can do so by clicking here. I hope you enjoy it.
I am not going to kid you with this one. The music of Dan Deacon is not that accessible - it is just really stinking weird. Now before you brush of this post and just move on to or facebook you have to understand the context of this music - this music is made for a live club scene where dancing is involved. Weird dancing, but none the less dancing just the same. Mr. Deacon is releasing a new album next month which is far more accessible to most people than any of his previous works. Here is a great, be it redundant, track from this album entitled Bromst (don't bother looking it up it is a word he made up).
It sounds like a sound orgy for sure. It is exciting and vibrant material crafted from the cold software world of synthesizers, computers, and modulators. Here is a track of his new album, "Get Old."
Dan Deacon - "Get Old"
There is also another track off an older album of his which has caught my attention. It is entitled "Okie Dokie" and I have found it to be absolutely amazing. I'm not going to lie it blew my mind a little bit. No here is the thing. Below I have posted the music video for the song. There is also a really good live version you can find below it (way even better than the studio version in my opnion), however be for warned there is a string of expletives so offensive, so profane to some (ok, most) before the song begins that some of your grandmothers will roll over in their graves. I am not kidding you. If you do choose to listen to these songs - pump up the volume and dance!
Dan Deacon - "Okie Dokie"
(flip the High Quality Switch on this one)
LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK - (or fast forward to at least 0:20)
Here is a cool one. This bands debut album is pretty awesome. This song it ridiculously catchy to me. In a cool sort of sultry kinda way. This stuff really appeals to my discotech cravings. The vocals kinda remind me a bit of Morrissey - and I don't mean that in a bad way - The Smiths are awesome. I hope you like it. Great driving music.
A haunting and beautiful song, "Hold Time," can be found on M. Ward's new album by the same name. M. Ward, a singer/songwriter who got his start in Portland, OR music scene has gone on to make six studio albums. And has recorded with such artist as Cat Power, Bright Eyes, and co-produced Jenny Lewis's debut album. Not to mention touring with R.E.M. and "The Boss."
For M. Ward has been a name that has been tossed about in the background and liner notes of some of the music I listen to. I admit that I had never really heard much of his on music until I I first heard his work with the band She & Him (which I should post on soon). This song and this new album is my first exposure to M. Ward and so far I really like it. Especially this song, the title track - "Hold Time."
Child Soldiers. I've read numerous books on the subject. I've watched horribly graphic and horrid documentaries as well. It is a real and present problem in the world that is growing. In a culture that is full of self-centered hip-hop artists who sing about fame, money and women Emmanuel Jal, a Sudanese Hip-Hop artist and former child solider, brings with him both a depth and authenticity that is refreshing to the genre. He has something to sing about. It makes me think of Raps origins which can be found in the oral traditions and histories of Africa. Here are a few links to some resources about the issue of child soldiers if you are interested. Wikipedia. Amensty International. And here are some suggested readings. Children at War. A Long Way Gone. Here is a link to an interview with the author of Long Way Gone and a documentary on the issue. I warn you that it is pretty heavy stuff. Don't go there lightly. I studied this issue at university and it broke my heart then just as it still does today.
I think the 80's pop sound is back with a vengeance. Only a little more refined and a little less cheesy. I find it absolutely brilliant. I dig the electropop genera that is growing strong.
Cut Copy, an Aussie band, is one of those bands that seem like their root are firmly planted in the years they were born - i.e. the 1980's. Maybe they are reclaiming their roots. I don't know. But I know that I could totally dance to this. I love that guitar riff.
It irritates me how good this song is for a number of reasons. First, these guys are in my circle of musician friends here in Atlanta. Two, they are younger than me. Third, and most importantly, this song it totally awesome.
Even more irritating is the fact that their are a number of musicians that I grew up with that are in bands that are actually going places. Now, I mean don't get me wrong. I am really happy for all of them. But it is just so frustrating. In some ways I am actually happy that I wasn't pulled head first into the whole thing. There has been a lot of drama among some of these bands, which quite frankly pisses me off. I mean bands are big dysfunctional families, kinda like the mob, stealing, cheating, back-stabbing, etc. - it just sucks.
All of that aside Manchester Orchestra is an awesome band. They have got some great songs and here is one of their latest. You can actually go to this link and download the song for free. Awesome! I love free music. Keep an eye on these guys when their new album comes out in April entitled Mean Everything to Nothing. Check it out.
I have decided to start a series of posts that I will add to over time about different guilty pleasures of mine. I belive that the atmosphere in which you choose to listen to a particaular song can dramatically effect the listenability of a particualr work. There are certain songs that I wouldnt be caught dead listening to in any normal settting. However, there are exceptions to this - i.e. - Areosmith, which I pretent to loath, and their song "Back in the Saddle Again." I want to go ahead and appologize to any Areosmith fans out there. I mean no ill will. I just don't really like the band or the music that much - on your average day. Yet, their are times in my life when I want to rock out to this song. Important times in my life. Not your average day mind you, but times when you need a little mood music. Times like - the begging of a road trip for instance. Thoese are times when music like this is appropriate and dare I say even needed, or wanted.
Who am I kidding I crave this song at the beginning of a road trip. This and Gene Autry or a little Willy Nelson, Kenny Rogers, the Muppet's (maybe that's the really guilty pleasure)... It just fits. I can't explain it. I just know for a fact that it is true. It's cheesy. It's wrong. It's dirty. But it's the truth and I love it.
So without further adieu I give you Aerosmith, "Back in the Sadle Again."
And I am so ashamed. How about you guys out there in cyberland... what music is your guilty pleasure?
Some people don't even consider the work of Steve Reich music calling his music noise instead. Regardless how you feel about Mr. Reich what is certain is that he is one of the most controversial composers of our time. As strange as it may be Steve Reichs "Phases" has become one of my favorite pieces of music to listen to. I wont deny that his music is not for everyone. But let me tell you that this man is ahead of his time. The following work was written in 1967 and sounds like something that could be on the very cutting edge of music today.
The first time I heard "Phases" I sat memorized for hours listening to the slow modulations of notes and tempos. I loved it from the very first time I heard it. I was fascinated by the almost machine like mathematical progressions of different phrases. It is just cool stuff. It bends your mind a little if you listen to it closely.
Here is a brief description of the following video:
The original 'Piano Phase' for two pianos was composed in 1967. Both pianists play the same repeating pattern but one of them gradually increases tempo so as to slowly move one-eighth note ahead or out of phase with the other. This process is repeated with three repeating patterns that get shorter in duration. The video portion of this piece was created by David Cossin in 2000 and utilizes a pre-recorded video of him playing the piece on midi percussion pads that then trigger piano samples of the notes of the piece. Against this pre-recorded video, projected on a screen in front of him, he then plays the moving part that gradually moves ahead, or out of phase with the recorded part. The audience can then see and hear the process unfolding. Steve Reich
This song bleeds pain but it is at the same time so beautiful.
Another World
I need another place Will there be peace? I need another world This one's nearly gone
Still have too many dreams Never seen the light I need another world A place where I can go
I'm gonna miss the sea I'm gonna miss the snow I'm gonna miss the bees I'll miss the things that grow I'm gonna miss the trees I'm gonna miss the sound I'll miss the animals I'm gonna miss you all
I need another place Will there be peace? I need another world This one's nearly gone
I'm gonna miss the birds Singing all this songs Been kissing this so long
Lisa has to be one of my favorite living female singers. Her voice has a magic to it that I cannot describe in words. She breaths life into melodies and lyrics in ways that many of hear peers cant even dream of. She is an amazing singer.
I first heard Lisa on her work with Damien Rice and his album entitled "O." Not to long ago Damien and Lisa decided to part ways. To my surprise I no longer desired to see Damien in concert, but I still want to see Lisa in concert. I hope you enjoy this video. It is really fascinating.
Oh, and by the way this song is off her new album entitled "Sea Saw." She is also coming to Atlanta to play at the Vinyl of March 10th ($12 Advanced Tickets). You can download this song and "I Don't Know" for free by going to this link (and yes it is legal).
The Top 5 Bands I Can't Get Into, but wish I could...
Now don't get me wrong people, I am not saying that I hate these bands, I really want to like these bands. I have tried very hard to get them under my skin. Each of the bands that I am about to mention I even think are great bands and have great songs, I just can't connect. In fact, there are several songs from each band that I love - if not adore. However, I just cant get into them no matter how much I wish I could.
Yet alas, as a band - as a collection of work - I just can't sit down and listen to a whole album by any of these, even though I want to, even though I ave tried. The old me even lied to people... "yeah! I love that band...'s one song - what ever the hell it's name was, great stuff. There from _________ (insert random place that sounds close or cool), right?"
I know, I know what you are thinking. And sadly it's true, I am not so cool after all. So in an attempt to redeem some of my dignity I have posted below one of my favorite songs from each of these bands. Just to show you that I am not totally closed minded. If any of you out there want to post your favorite songs, or even albums, by these guys feel free to comment on this post - please prove me wrong. Help me see the light! Or just join me and tell me your "Top Five Bands I can't get into, but wish I could."
So here they are...
Number 1: Dare I say it, Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
Number 2: Dave Matthews - ummm...
Ok, I honestly can't think of any... sorry. I just don't care for good old Dave.
Number 3: Weezer - Buddy Holly (a little on the nose, I know)
Number 4: Bella & Sebastian
Number 5: Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit - I know... the obvious choice.
This Portland, OR based experimental folk rock band had released several albums over the years but not until their most recent album Furr was released in 2008 did they begin to gain some serious national and international attention. Their previous album Wild Mountain Nation had gainedcritical acclaim from critics like Pitchfork Media and Spin. One thing I love about this band is that their sound is quite broad.
This song was actually in the short list for my top songs from 2008. Which is an entirely different beast from albums of the year, perhaps I whill run that list here soon. In the mean time here is Blitzen Trapper's song "Furr" of their forth album of the same name - I hope you enjoy it.
I just love this song. This band is quickly gaining notoriety and I should have posted on them when I first hear this song a few months ago. It has an upbeat darkness to it. Cool stuff. This song comes off their album Oracular Spectacular. Just don't let the kids listen to it. Cough. Cough.
The music of Francis and the Lights may border on such guilty pleasures as Prince, Peter Gabriel, or Michael Jackson, but I am not sure of it yet. What is certain is that I am captivated by two tracks by this band - "The Top" and "My Goals." Their catchy beats mixed with the high falsetto vocals of their lead singer, Francis Farewell Starlite, has got me hooked. Plus the video for "the Top" is just captivating.
Ok, here is one I have been meaning to post on for a while now. This English band is from a town close to Bristol and actually made it all they way to #2 on the UK charts last year. You may find it surprising that it made it up to #7 on the Billboard top 200 list - but there it is none the less - and I believe it deserves to be there. I hope you like it. Its pretty trippy. Let it take you somewhere else. It is very thought provoking to me. I don't know if the song if referring to ripping emotions out of you or not, but that is what it does for me. It just rips them out of me.
For all of you Radiohead fans out there here is one of a series pf amazing videos they released recently, entitled - From the Basement. I remember seeing them around 2004 at Hi-Fi Buys amphitheater - which was awesome, but this is a lot better in some ways. For one I can actually see them. At Hi-Fi Buys I could hardly make them out through all the pot smoke out on the lawn., but this is different, this is crystal clear (especially if you purchase they real thing of iTunes), this my friends, - this - is awesome. The concert was awesome to, just frustrating being so far away and all of that. It is also a lot cheaper. Here are two of my favorites.
By the way "Bodysnatchers" is a heck of a lot of fun to play! Just in case you were wondering.
I heard this band few years ago and had since almost forgotten them. Recently I was once again reminded of them and I since been listening to them almost everyday. What is really cool about M83 is that their music feels like come straight out of the 80's and I mean that in a good way, not cheese 80's pop like Paula Abdul, but the good stuff. They have carried on the torch of 80's dream pop. This French band has been around since around 2001 and have produced a number of great songs since their conception. Here are a few of my favorites from one of their older albums, Before the Dawn Heals Us, and then their most recent one, Saturday = Youth. Instantly wicked.
M83 - "Don't Save Us From the Flames" from the Album "Before the Dawn Heals Us"
M83 - "We Own the Sky" from the Album "Saterday = Youth"
I recently came across the band Animal Collective at friends house and absolutely loved their sound. It's one of those bands whose name I have heard thrown around over the years but I think this was the first time I ever actually listened to them. I really like this song because it is a hybrid of some of my favorites styles - the minimalist classical music style of Steve Reich and the killer melodies and harmonies of bands like the Beach Boys. This track entitled "My Girls" from their new album Merriweather Post Pavilion and it's a really cool track. Let it grow on you.
Still guessing? Yep, that is our new "home boy" Joaquin Phoenix, who recently announced that he was leaving the movie business for good and focusing on his music - which happens to be rap. Check out the look P. Diddy is giving Joaquin, who's looking a tad bit on the "I'm going to kill you" side of things.
Now I don't know if this is a publicity stunt or whether Joaquin just needs a little help from his friends - or even if that is exactly the problem, but what I do know is that I am a little scared and concerned for the dude. I am betting it's a stunt.
Death of a Centrist
One year ago today, our capital city, our country, our values, and my
family were attacked by a violent mob of domestic terrorists. A police
officer was ...
Nine Months Home
I'm sitting in front of the t.v., once again obsessed with Anthony
Bourdain's No Reservations. It was a little over three years ago that I
first got hooked...
halfway across the world
Now that jet-lag is long-gone, I thought I'd get back into the blog-world
by posting a bit about China. Some pictures, a few short thoughts...nothing
New Blog Site
In an effort to update the outside world a lot more often, we [and by we I
mean Brandon] decided that we are going to do most of our posting from here
on o...
"Do not hide your light..."
"Do not hide your light, your divine creative powers, under a bushel and
thus allow human creativity to be manipulated and misused by forces of war
Some Videos
These first two are from a while ago, but just now making their internet
debut… Don’t Make War. Make Phat Beats. Untitled This one is an
homage to o...
More pictures from the summer
Here's some images from our summer trip. I hope there's no repeats; my
apologies if there are. I'll upload some more once my patience with blogger
is renew...