I truly believe that different styles of music, much like clothing or types of food, are best in different seasons. It's an eating thick hearty stews in the fall as opposed to salads in the summer kinda thing. Musically there are sounds that just fit cold windy days and nights. My meat and potatoes of this time of year create sounds the totally surround you. Bands like Radiohead, Damien Rice, Snow Patrol and Sigur Ros just feel right in this weather. Bands like the Beach Boys or Bob Marley just seem out of place. Their open airy sound just lets in a draft.
While I am exaggerating of course, I really do listen to different types of music year round - even the Beach Boys, there are just certain types of music that fit during different times of the year. Around this time of year I mentally put pack up and put away a lot of my light "warm weather collection" and unpack the heavier stuff from my "cold weather collection" from seasons past. Then I put them on as I would a warm sweater, sip my hot cocoa, and celebrate the arrival of the colder weather.
Coincidence or not, most of the artists I love during this time of year come from England, Scotland, Ireland, Iceland, etc... you know the colder places. In the summer I find myself diving deep into the warmer climates of Africa or South America. While there are blaring exceptions to this trend or maybe I am crazy, I do often find this to be true.
So today, in my ode to fall mood, I'm listening to one of my seasonal favorites "The Blowers Daughter" by the Irish singer/songwriter Damien Rice from his debut album "O" in 2002.